
libgrapheme is an extremely simple freestanding C99 library providing utilities for properly handling strings according to the latest Unicode standard 15.0.0. It offers fully Unicode compliant

on UTF-8 strings and codepoint arrays, which both can also be null-terminated.

The necessary lookup-tables are automatically generated from the Unicode standard data (contained in the tarball) and heavily compressed. Over 10,000 automatically generated conformance tests and over 150 unit tests ensure conformance and correctness.

There is no complicated build-system involved and it's all done using one POSIX-compliant Makefile. All you need is a C99 compiler, given the lookup-table-generators and compressors that are only run at build-time are also written in C99. The resulting library is freestanding and thus not even dependent on a standard library to be present at runtime, making it a suitable choice for bare metal applications.

It is also way smaller and much faster than the other established Unicode string libraries (ICU, GNU's libunistring, libutf8proc).


You can browse the source code repository or get a copy with the following command:

git clone


libgrapheme follows the semantic versioning scheme.

Getting Started

Automatically configuring and installing libgrapheme via

make install

will install the header grapheme.h and both the static library libgrapheme.a and the dynamic library (with symlinks) in the respective folders. The conformance and unit tests can be run with

make test

and comparative benchmarks against libutf8proc (which is the only Unicode library compliant enough to be comparable to) can be run with

make benchmark

You can access the manual here or via libgrapheme(7) by typing

man libgrapheme

and looking at the referred pages, e.g. grapheme_next_character_break_utf8(3). Each page contains code-examples and an extensive description. To give one example that is also given in the manuals, the following code separates a given string 'Tëst 👨‍👩‍👦 🇺🇸 नी நி!' into its user-perceived characters:

#include <grapheme.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

	/* UTF-8 encoded input */
	char *s = "T\xC3\xABst \xF0\x9F\x91\xA8\xE2\x80\x8D\xF0"
	          "\x9F\x91\xA9\xE2\x80\x8D\xF0\x9F\x91\xA6 \xF0"
	          "\x9F\x87\xBA\xF0\x9F\x87\xB8 \xE0\xA4\xA8\xE0"
	          "\xA5\x80 \xE0\xAE\xA8\xE0\xAE\xBF!";
	size_t ret, len, off;

	printf("Input: \"%s\"\n", s);

	/* print each grapheme cluster with byte-length */
	printf("grapheme clusters in NUL-delimited input:\n");
	for (off = 0; s[off] != '\0'; off += ret) {
		ret = grapheme_next_character_break_utf8(s + off, SIZE_MAX);
		printf("%2zu bytes | %.*s\n", ret, (int)ret, s + off);

	/* do the same, but this time string is length-delimited */
	len = 17;
	printf("grapheme clusters in input delimited to %zu bytes:\n", len);
	for (off = 0; off < len; off += ret) {
		ret = grapheme_next_character_break_utf8(s + off, len - off);
		printf("%2zu bytes | %.*s\n", ret, (int)ret, s + off);

	return 0;

This code can be compiled with

cc (-static) -o example example.c -lgrapheme

and the output is

Input: "Tëst 👨‍👩‍👦 🇺🇸 नी நி!"
grapheme clusters in NUL-delimited input:
 1 bytes | T
 2 bytes | ë
 1 bytes | s
 1 bytes | t
 1 bytes |  
18 bytes | 👨‍👩‍👦
 1 bytes |  
 8 bytes | 🇺🇸
 1 bytes |  
 6 bytes | नी
 1 bytes |  
 6 bytes | நி
 1 bytes | !

grapheme clusters in input delimited to 17 bytes:
 1 bytes | T
 2 bytes | ë
 1 bytes | s
 1 bytes | t
 1 bytes |  
11 bytes | 👨‍👩


The goal of this project is to be a suckless and statically linkable alternative to the existing bloated, complicated, overscoped and/or incorrect solutions for Unicode string handling (ICU, GNU's libunistring, libutf8proc, etc.), motivating more hackers to properly handle Unicode strings in their projects and allowing this even in embedded applications.

The problem can be easily seen when looking at the sizes of the respective libraries: The ICU library (libicudata.a, libicui18n.a, libicuio.a, libicutest.a, libicutu.a, libicuuc.a) is around 38MB and libunistring (libunistring.a) is around 2MB, which is unacceptable for static linking. Both take many minutes to compile even on a good computer and require a lot of dependencies, including Python for ICU. On the other hand libgrapheme (libgrapheme.a) only weighs in at around 300K and is compiled (including Unicode data parsing and compression) in under a second, requiring nothing but a C99 compiler and POSIX make(1).

Some libraries, like libutf8proc and libunistring, are incorrect by basing their API on assumptions that haven't been true for years (e.g. offering stateless grapheme cluster segmentation even though the underlying algorithm is not stateless). As an additional factor, libutf8proc's UTF-8-decoder is unsafe, as it allows overlong encodings that can be easily used for exploits.

While ICU and libunistring offer a lot of functions and the weight mostly comes from locale-data provided by the Unicode standard, which is applied implementation-specifically (!) for some things, the same standard always defines a sane 'default' behaviour as an alternative in such cases that is satisfying in 99% of the cases and which you can rely on.

For some languages, for instance, it is necessary to have a dictionary on hand to always accurately determine when a word begins and ends. The defaults provided by the standard, though, already do a great job respecting the language's boundaries in the general case and are not too taxing in terms of performance.


Please contact me if you have information that could be added to this page.